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Rabbi Playing Golf

The great Rabbi of a big city is a golf addict. He likes nothing like playing golf on a warm sunny afternoon. Unfortunately, on shabbat, he has to refrain himself. This is a big dilemma for his soul : the temp- tation to play golf, and the consciousness of doing wrong if he tries to do it on shabbat.

On a summer saturday afternoon, his soul is in dire straits : he was never so tempted of playing golf. The sky is blue, the grass is green, his clubs look at him with sardonic eyes (metaphor :-)) ... Finally, with great self-reproach and bad consciousness, he yields to temptation. He puts a fake beard on, sun glasses, and goes to the tee.

As he does this, the Lord is in the sky, looking at him very angrily. The first Angel is at the Lord's side, protesting : "Lord, look at this great Rabbi who goes playing golf on shabbat ! This is shameful ! This is a disgrace ! This is a scandal ! You MUST do something !". God, in cold rage, answers : "Oh, don't worry, you bet I will do something." And on they look on earth ...

After a while, the Rabbi is about to shoot the first ball. He raises his club, and .... five hundred meters away, sends DIRECTLY THE BALL INTO THE HOLE !

The first Angel, astonished, looks at God : "What ... what are you doing ? This is the great Rabbi, playing golf on shabbat, which is a terrible sin, and you let him make the best shoot he ever did ... ?!?" To which the Lord answers : "Yes ... and to whom will he be telling it, eh ?"

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