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Indian Tribes
Once upon a time there were 3 Indian tribes: the Apache, Cherokee and the Fakari. One day the sons of the leaders asked their fathers how the tribes got their names.
The son of the Cherokee leader asked his father. "Dad," he said, "How did our tribe get its name?"
"Well son," the chief replied, "A long time ago, our people were looking for a place to settle. We wandered all over, then settled in a valley. So we called ourselves Cherokee, which mean valley in our language."
The son of the Apache leader asked his father the same question. "Son," the chief replied, "Our people too, were looking for a place to settle. We stopped on a hill, and called ourselves the Apache, meaning hill in our language."
Now it was the son of the Fakari tribe's turn - "Well, we were looking for a place to settle, stopped on top of a mountain, looked at each other and said -
'Where the F#*% are we?'"
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