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Froggie the Frog
This frog walks into a bank to ask for a loan, 'cause his pad is just a
He walks up to the loan officer and says:
Hi, I'm Froggie the Frog.
She says: Hi I'm Patricia, Patricia Black. Call me Patty.
He goes: So I need a loan to fix up my pad.
She: We're gonna need some collateral. Have any real estate? Stocks? Bonds? Securities? Options? Valuable antiques, precious metals ....?
He: Well. Not really. All I have beside my lily pad is this. (And he pulls from a paper bag a ceramic unicorn painted pink and blue.)
The loan officer, Patty, is disgusted. She says "What the hell kind of collateral is that?!?!@ "
A nearby teller, a kind man, simply replies: "It's a knick-knack, Patty Black. Give the Frog a loan." And that old frog fixed up his home.
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