Help Desk Callers
During my years working in IT support,
I have become more and more interested in the many types of people who
call IT help desks. Like a biologist, I have found that having a classification
system is critical in understanding the users that I help on a daily basis.
It is with this in mind, and with my tongue in my cheek, that I have categorized
users into the following species:
1. "The Expert": Userus expertia
"The Expert" user is the curse of
most IT support establishments. Experts try out something they heard about
from "the bloke in the pub," an unqualified expert on everything who offers
advice to anyone who will listen. Experts usually make a complete mess
of their systems when they follow the bloke's advice. Then they compound
the problem by trying to fix it themselves, often destroying their machines.
As a last resort, they call the help desk and demand that their machines
be replaced or mended immediately, as they have urgent work that can't
wait. There has been an Expert at every place I have worked. I leave it
to you to decide who your resident Expert is.
2. "The Fiddler": Userus manipulata
The motto of "The Fiddler" is: "I
wonder what happens if...." I've placed these callers next because they
are the most closely related to the Expert. These callers don't realize
that some files actually make their computers work. If they don't recognize
a file as one of their own, they delete it and are surprised when something
then stops working. Unlike the Expert, they don't say anything about the
problem; you only discover it months later from a casual remark, such as,
"Oh no, that hasn't worked for ages. I meant to call you." Fiddlers are
usually very pleasant people�who will drive you mad.
3. "The Mouse": Userus rodentia
"The Mouse" is more common than
the previous two and fortunately less harmful. For this species of caller,
the big gray box is a source of blind terror. I can remember talking on
the phone to a Mouse at a UK communications company. She had worked in
a telephone exchange for years and was suddenly given a PC to help her.
She had not asked for it and didn't want it. The screen was making strange
noises, and she was concerned.
"I don't want it to explode or anything,"
she wailed.
"No," I said patronizingly, "they
don't explode. There's no explosive in them." Then I heard a loud "BANG!"
through the phone. "What was that?" I asked. "My screen has just exploded,"
she replied.
4. "The Train Spotter": Userus geekissimus
"The Train Spotter" is most often
the offspring of an Expert and a Fiddler. These callers are usually harmless
and don't have many computer problems. What they do have is an IT magazine,
which they have read from cover to cover. The Train Spotter will invariably
corner an unsuspecting help desk tech and proceed to bore the tech rigid
by sharing their knowledge. The main difference between Train Spotters
and other callers is that Train Spotters do not usually phone the help
desk; they visit in person.
I'm not quite sure what they want
from the help desk, but they take up a lot of time asking various questions
about new innovations, about which I usually know nothing. I have found
no explanation for the existence of this user other than that the Expert
and Fiddler conceived the Train Spotter on a trip to a computer trade fair.
5. "The Paranoid User": Userus newbigata
"Paranoid Users" are convinced that
the computer has an intelligence of its own and is out to get them. The
machine is constantly doing something that causes a problem. The computer
will maliciously alter their documents, obliterate all references to their
passwords, and lose work they have saved. If a machine is ever going to
break down, it will be while being used by a Paranoid. This species' one
saving grace is determination. They never give up, as much as you wish
they would.
6. "The I'm-building-a-case User":
Userus fabricatum
"The I'm-building-a-case User" is
grinding an axe to get some new gadget brought in to his department or
have an old one taken away. They report hundreds of trivial problems, hoping
upper management will buy them the latest all-singing and all-dancing machine.
The real problem with this species of caller is the fact that they are
usually not trying to replace computer equipment. This user doesn't see
the difference between computers and any other piece of office equipment.
I have often been required to pass opinions on all kinds of electrical
equipment even after pointing out my lack of knowledge on the subject.
I do not evaluate coffee makers. I do not drink coffee, and I know nothing
about the black arts involved in its production.
7. "The Just-testing User": Userus
"The Just-testing User" is not even
using a computer but wants to test your knowledge and, if possible, trip
you up. The best technique for dealing with this species is by answering
questions with "I don't know." They cannot deal with this straight capitulation.
Most Just-testing users would love the chance to show your boss how useless
you are or how little you know. They are thrilled when you give a wrong
answer and will crow about it incessantly.
8. "Pig Pen": Userus perfumia
Based on the Charles M. Schulz Peanuts
character, "Pig Pen" has the messiest, most unhygienic work area in the
company. Pig Pen's personal hygiene is fine; it is only the workspace that
is a hazard. It is a graveyard for old coffee cups, half-eaten green sandwiches,
used Kleenex, and moldy sock collections. Pig Pens are some of the nicest
and most technically able people you know. They usually give the help desk
very little trouble except when their keyboard needs replacing, which is
often. Pig Pen is a mainstay of most companies, the backbone of whatever
department he or she works for. If that were not the case, the company
would have let them go years ago.
9. "The I-don't-want-to-hear-that!
User": Userus headinsandia
This is a rather curious species.
They call, ask a question, and if they don't hear what they want, they
take it personally. I always wonder why they ask, if they don't want to
know the answer. It does not seem to matter that what they want is not
possible. All they want is to hear the answer they're looking for.
10. "The End-of-my-tether User":
Userus adlimitus
This is the angriest but, perversely,
often the easiest to deal with. After spending weeks attempting to resolve
their own queries, they finally swallow their pride and call the help desk.
Calls from this type of user usually end in one of three ways:
1. The problem's solution can be
found simply by reading page 1 of his instruction manual, which, of course,
the caller has not done.
2. The caller is informed that the
operation she is trying to perform cannot be performed with the equipment
or software that she has.
3. The caller has already found
a solution but phoned the help desk to let you know how frustrated, mad,
or unsatisfied he is. |